Friday, December 25, 2009



Aye, how's it going lads?
so I participated in a pretty interesting project just a few days back, during the 13th-14th of this month(this year too.. yea, I'm too lazy to write numbers, but writing long sentences in parenthases makes much more sense),
It involved 4 teams of 4 teenagers,  all in the age range of 12-18 years-old.
Every team had some programmers(WEB programmers) and graphic designers, and some who did both.
Our goal was to make up an internet-related idea, and build it from the ground-up to a 24-hours deadline, to the eyes of internet viewers all over the world Israel(well the whole world could've watched it, but they had to know about it somehow), by live-cameras capturing our every move(watching programmers at work is as boring as watching paint pale, especially when web-devving, an activity of which I am not fond of).

My team's idea was a GUI that lets you edit and mix youtube videos, by Audio and Video, and let it be saved in our website for future views.
We managed to make it in time and got it up and running here (chrome users might not see the nav-bar icons, sorry for that :\).

This event took place at Microsoft Israel's R&C center, and was made possible by StartupSeeds.

Productivity just hit me in the head with huge chainsaw nunchucks(figuratively speaking)

Do you recall a time when you were hit by an amazing idea, and it's relevancy has passed just a few days before you thought about it?!(it is a rhetorical question if you were wondering)

Well, I thought of that awesome game idea for Hannukah which has just passed a week ago, feeling bad with myself.
But hey, it's Christmas... so I thought getting that theme into the game too.

I've got everything about that game figured, my little C++ game engine is pretty well-finished and the game is going to be awesome,  in my mind that is...

I will just reveal that it will be a 2D arcade-style shooter, no scrolling or any high-tech shit like that.
well, I thought about combining some awesome 3D models just to add some fun and test my skills in graphics algorithms, but we'll see about that being in the game.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welcome, Earthlings, to my fortress of doom!

One reason I made this blog was to share my knowledge with the world, but the main reason was , that the more I write and talk about it, the more I understand!
Meaning this blog was made out of sheer egoism.

I want to educate myself! and hope you will learn something in the process.

Let's start from the boring stuff!

My name is Adar and I'm from Israel.
I think the confrontation between Israel and the Arab world is just plain silly!
I mean, land is a thing that gets conquered, the Indians didn't cry and suicide-bombed  U.S. buildings because they took over their land a few years ago.
Now Israel owns some land that belonged to the Arabs earlier, BIG DEAL!
It's land, land gets conquered.
Get up, get on it, and get out!

I do not imply in any way that I hate Arabs, they are people like me and you and they are plain awesome.
I just don't like the extremist's approach to this middle-eastern dispute,
but hey, they're extremist's, these people are all black and white, either you support them or you hate them, no middle grounds.

Now enough with this political shit, I don't want to taint you with my perspective.
so from now on, no more political shit, only Tech!